First of all, Nod, Jim, Dave and Don would like to thank you for the fabulous pile of goodies - all your cards and presents that greeted them when they walked into the Office just before Christmas. They've all emerged unscathed from their Christmas and New Year festivities, which they spent at home in Wolverhampton. Dave especially wants to thank everybody who sent him "Get Well" wishes when he broke his ankle. It's much better now and the plaster came off just before Christmas. He'd certainly got fed up with all those jokes about getting plastered!
Slade emerged as Top Band and Leading Recording Act of 1972 in the New Musical Express annual charts survey with "Slade Alive" runner-up in the top Album of the year to Simon and Garfunkel's LP. "Bridge over troubled water". Also the readers of N.M.E voted Slade as No.1 Best British Group, and No.1 Best British Live Band in their Pop Poll.
Radio Luxembourg presented Slade with the top honours of the year, as Britain's Act of the Year. Readers of Disc Magazine have also voted Slade as No.1 Best British Live Band in their Pop Poll.
It seems that every time I write a Newsletter Slade are presented with a Silver Disc, but not this time they've received two. The first for "Goodbuy T' Jane'" which is their biggest selling single to date, the Second Silver Disc was for the Album "Slayed". This album has now sold more than "Slade Alive" which has been in the charts for eight months. Last year Slade were presented with five single Silver Discs and two Album Silver Discs.
I expect you have all noticed we are using a new Franking Machine to send you mail through the Post and also an addresser Machine for the envelopes this gives me plenty of time now to deal with the mail which comes into the office by the Sack full.
Two very good things to look out for and thats Diana and Melanie Magazines because they are doing four Pin-up specials of Slade - one each week. Diana from February 24 and Melanie from February 3rd.
Over the last year it seems that Jim has received the most mail from Fans. He then receives the Top Member of Slade Award for 1972 Well done Jim.
Just before Slade left for Australia they were in the Studio recording their next single. It should be released on the 23rd of February and is called "Cum on feel the noize" with B side of "I'm mee I'm now and thats orl", I have not heard it yet but the roadies say its the best ever.
We decided to drop question No.5 in the last competition as it depended on what chart you supported so the answers for the other four questions are:-
1) Dave Hill 2) Command Studios3) Rasputins 4) Ambrose Slade
There were a lot of correct answers so Chas Chandler chose four winners on why they thought Slade had at last reached the top and they were:-
1) Karen Blincoe of Rochdale
2) Melanie Steel of Newcastle on Tyne
3) Helen Burrows of Shipley
4) Terry Glendenning of Co Durham
They will be receiving Slades New Single soon

Here we are at the beginning of another year - didn't the last one go quick 1972 went through so fast I reckon someone chopped a bit off. I think the real reason though could be that we've worked so hard and been so successful the time just shot past. This is the point where I must say a big thank you to you all for making us a very successful group.
Di's just told me that Jim gets more mail than any of the rest of us I told her she could not count because we all know who's best don't we (all those sending in the correct answer of Noddy will all get a kiss from me) I wondered why Jim is always writing a lot of letters!
I've just bought a colour TV for me Mum and Dad I've got their Black and White TV in my bedroom, but I still watch theirs as it seems to be a different programme altogether. As Dave said the other day, my Mum and Dad receive better programmes than what he does.
Another thing I bought the other day was a Hillman Avenger nothing flash of course just something to get the shopping for Mum in.
By the time you read this we shall be in Australia, and the weeks leading up to it we were all knocked out with excitement. We should be there for about two weeks and from what we read in the paper they are in a middle of a heat wave. The only thing we are not looking forward to is the Air flight out and return, for one way takes thirty-six hours with no stop over for sleep. I wish that they had built the Concord a few years earlier for it would have taken only ten hours.
Anyway I hope you saw me on TV. It's surprising how many people it takes to do one interview all those Electricians, Cameramen and Lighting men. And boy wasn't it hot underneath all those lights.
On the 7th January Slade played to two full houses at the London Palladium. It was the first time they appeared at the World famous variety Theatre and at the special request of the British Government. The event was promoted as part of the celebrations to mark this Country's entry into the Common Market under the heading of "Fanfare for Europe". They were originally booked to do only one show, the Box Office having sold out within 2 hours of opening, it was decided by their Manager, Chas Chandler, to hold another concert in the afternoon on the same day.
Even before Slade took the stage the enthusiasm of the crowd was already at a high pitch when Jim, Nod, Dave and Don bounded out onto the stage, the whole of the London Palladium rocked and one could not help but wonder if the Builders when building the Palladium ever imagined their Theatre swaying in time to the music being played inside. I bet some of them turned over in their graves. Once Slade started to play there was no room left for any other thought but Slade.
Up-tempo hit followed up-tempo hit with only a couple of moments when the group dropped out of top gear, once when Nod sang "Be Home Soon" and the other when he went down on his knees to preach to the faithful during Janis Joplin's "Move Over", bathed in a single spot which picked up his mirrored stovepipe hat and sent beams of light flashing across in already mesmerised audience. The audience was always behind Nod and the reaction was instant when he said stamp feet and clap hands. The response was equally enthusiastic for the Football song "You'll never walk alone", which I think was about the best I've heard it sung by a Slade audience but then the champions were on stage.
Opening the bill were Geordie, a four man group from Newcastle who recently scored with "Don't do that" and on the strength of their Palladium showing will go on to become Headliners in their own right before long.

Slade will be in Australia and New Zealand for the first two weeks of February doing concerts with Lindisfarne and Status Quo .... The planned trip to Japan has been called of .... Sheet music of "Gudbuy T' Jane" has sold very well for 15p... In the pipe line at the moment a booklet of the words and music of Slades hit songs plus a collection of photos. More news in the next Newsletter .... A European Tour is planned for March followed by an Extensive tour of U.S.A ...... Diana Magazine will be printing four pin-ups, one each week of the boys from February 3rd ...... After breaking his ankle Dave used an electric wheelchair to get about ...... Did you see Nod on the TV in a discussion Programme?.. The BBC were so impressed with Nod I expect we will be seeing more of him on the box ................ Nod has been named as the working class hero of 1972 ..................... Don has bought an old Bentley and plans to make it as good as new in his spare time.
I don' mind if there's a change in me
I'm unkind, that's how I've got to be
Am I being cruel, am I being cruel
I've danced on your face
It seemed the best place
For acting the fool
I've got time to put my wrong things right
My life's mine to do with what Like
Am I being cruel, am I being cruel
I've danced on your face
It seemed the best place
For acting the fool
I'm going up, down, all around
Build me up and knock me down
to the ground I don' mind,
well I don' mind
My star sign was
just no good for you
It might shine
but it can pull me through
Am I being cruel, am I being cruel
I've danced on your face
It seemed the best place
For acting the fool
I don' mind, I don' mind I've danced on your face It
seemed the best place For acting the fool
Well, I don' mind
Am I being cruel
For I'm acting the fool
Oh I don' mind, oh I don' mind I don' mind, well I don' mind
© Copyright 1973 by BARN PUBLISHING LTD